March 25th, 2019.
By Salma Hegazy: This year’s Art Dubai was, as it always is, beautifully organised, and show-cased a huge variety of artworks in the halls of Madinet Jumeirah, with a bonus of an outdoor area for events. The organisers think of everything to make your visit as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, and with that in mind they had shuttle buses running from the car park to the venue. The only minor downside, I thought, was the layout: the floor plan was a little too traditional and a tad too close for comfort. The interactive sculptures and works (delightful as they were) needed more space and less distraction around them.

The show had four galleries: Contemporary, Modern, Bawabba and Residents, which featured a diverse selection of works from 40 countries.
Iranian artist, Mohammad Hossein Gholamzadeh, caught just about everyone’s eye. His obvious talent was reflected in the perfection of his art and the media with which he works. A bronze figurative sculptor, he created a contemporary context reflecting his perspective of paradoxical nature. His craft easily transferred the perspective delightfully to viewers.
The zincographic print by Ibrahim El-Salahi especially caught my eye, as did a number of the other silk screen prints: Men at Work by Abdul Nasser Gharem.
The full catalogue of artworks and featuring galleries is available online and it is well worth taking a close look at.